Own Tales from the Arena: Ogrebattle!
No, I have not (sadly) figured out a way to make money at this. But if anyone would like a copy of the movie for themselves, you can currently (for a limited time) download it HERE. It is half a gig, so you need to have some room on your drive and LOTS of patience.
Merry Christmas! Enjoy.
THIS OFFER IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE...Refer to my subsequent post for more information...
And while you're waiting...

Yep, I liked my hairy man so much I've already cast him in another film (after a trip to the barber)... Can you guess what it's about?
Jag, Thank you for being so generous and sharing your brilliant work. i just down loaded your movie. I recently purchased DAZ and am just beginning the process. A bit overwhelming at times but I am making good progress. I do have a question for you I hope you won't mind answering. Should I use this format or would you prefer to use email? thank you
ReplyDeleteWhichever way you feel most comfortable. If its an involved question, I'd recommend email just since it makes back and forth easier. Also, keep in mind that I use Poser 5 and if you just purchased Poser, I'd guess you have either 9 or 10. If you purchased DAZ Studio, I'll probably not be able to help you much with the nuts and bolts. I do have DAZ Studio, but have never really used it much. If your question is more about 3d art in general, I may be of more help. Either way, I'll do my best!
ReplyDeleteJago Thanks for your swift reply. Yes my questions are more about 3D in general. Just a bit of guidance and some of your wisdom. Shall I include my email address in my next message to you.
DeleteThanks again
Yeah I started using poser, and now I have Daz because it is more readily available. However, I am hitting wall after wall because it is mainly a windows based program regarding addons.. and Addons are where it is at, and exactly where my mac throws a massive wrench into the mix . I just use After effects for other things, and I put 3d artwork on the side burner . It is fun to play with, but I feel like I don't get very far. It's hard to get textures right. I am a newbie with it, and I can't make opjects readily or perform precise animation. The animation of DAZ studio is often not as fluid / intuitive. It does flow between keyframes, but it isn't as visual as After Effects for me. However I would love to email you as well Jago if you might be able to answer some questions for me about objects that you use. Thanks. my email is musclegroworship@yahoo.com. I tried to find your email, and I just couldn't find it
ReplyDeleteI added my email address to the sidebar. I always assumed it was there, but when I went to look I couldn't find it either!
ReplyDeleteJAGO: Once again...EXCEPTIONALLY TALENTED, RAUNCHY WORK! HOT! HOT! HOT! Your attention to the smallest of artistic details has not gone unnoticed. The big, green Ogre's club-like, pink-tipped 'member' is absolutely mesmerizing. I LOVED their entire match, from "HOW DO YA' DO?" to "NOW WE'RE THROUGH!"; though a "69" 'slurping session' between the two horny, muscular combatants would've been a welcomed HOT addition to their steamy, jism-spewing encounter. A masked heel HUMAN wrestler with the green ogre's magnificent build...(and member), would be a WONDERFUL follow-up opponent for the hairy, muscular, blue-eyed, 'anally receptive', muscle-jobber. You're the very best at doing what you're doing; PLEASE keep on doing it?