Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Strange Confessions #139,758

If I had a wad of disposable income, I've decided I'd make a live action Kaiju movie. Not the modern Kaiju from Pacific Rim or the recent Godzillas, but a cross between Ultraman and one of those cheap Toho matinee movies I used to drool over as a kid. There would be a naked giant "hero" who repeatedly get's his ass kicked by various giant monsters.

I can not explain this fetish, but I figure it's no worse than someone who admits to being a furry (I'm not!). So, there.

(I believe these pics have been posted previously, but they highlight my idea...Even if the hero's not quite naked.)

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Another Trip Down Memory Lane

Got an email asking for a repost of these stills. Decided it was easier and more readily available to posterity to make a vid and upload to my channel.