I don't usually do the big bulky guys myself (Lucky Stallion over at Barbaric Brawn does it SOOOO well), but I've been playing around with a story idea about the government trying to create supersoldiers (I know, hardly original), using members of the same family (as control groups, etc.).
Here we find an uncle and nephew about to test who's muscles have developed into the most powerful.
Of course, it's even hotter if you imagine a cadre of scientists, military brass, and government types all watching eagerly from the sidelines!
I always find myself neglecting the old blog when I am knee-deep in an animation...And then posting a flurry of photos and info when I'm done. I've resolved to stop that cycle and attempt to post "something" each Saturday (or at least "sometime" over each weekend).
This week, it's a pose I worked on for my movie, but now of course, as the script changes, it might not make the final cut.